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$ gcc cfp.c –o CallForPapers

CFP is now CLOSED!

The Call For Presentations and Trainers for BSidesROC 2019 is now open!

Use the link below to submit an idea for Training Day, a 50 minute talk, or a 20 minute talk.

Submit CFP

Important Dates

CFP Guideline

We are looking for a variety of topics to be presented at this year’s con. Additionally, this year, we are seeking a mix of shorter, simple talks and longer, more detailed talks. We’re targeting 20 and 50 minutes respectively.

We are generally looking for any kind of security/hacking related talks. But specifically to match our theme, we’d love to see presentations regarding:

Our team will review any talk submission but our only rule is that we will not accept a talk about a service or product you or your employer is selling. Please make all talks technical in nature.

Training Day Guidelines

The form above is also used for Training day ideas. The training day will be the day before the conference hosted at RIT. In most cases, can we facilitate all the presentation gear like projectors, screens, and possibly workstations. Normally classes are either 4 or 8 hours total.

Subjects: Anything technical in nature that you think our attendees would like to learn. See the above list for some ideas.

Pricing: The cost structure for your class is up to you. We’re happy to charge whatever you think is reasonable for your time. We suggest that you keep in mind the number of attendees who are students, though, and try to keep ticket costs relatively low. Our past trainings have been $500 or less, with a median of about $25-50/person. BSidesROC asks for 15% of ticket sales to cover our efforts in managing the event. And if you want to run a class for free, we will charge (and keep) $20 per student simply to minimize no-shows.

Who Is The Audience?

When considering a submission for BSidesROC, it may be helpful to consider who our attendees have been in the past. Check out our about page that gives you some details about our demographics. We have a mix of students and professionals but in general, management/sales slides do not go over well in this crowd.