About Us

Security B-Sides Rochester, or BSidesROC, is an open, non-profit hacker conference in Rochester, NY. It provides a place for people to learn about hacking, infosec, and all kinds of different technology in a fun environment.

Security B-Sides Rochester (BSidesROC) has recently become a 501(c)3 Not-For Profit organization. In order to be as transparent as possible, below you can find information about the goals for the organization, the corporate structure, and other information about the organization.



The following currently fullfil the role of Board of Directors for the B-Sides Rochester, Inc. corporation. Their responsibilities are outlined in the bylaws above.

Coordinator: Forrest Fuqua [@jrwr]

Treasurer: David Frier

Secretary: Catherine Ullman


Security BSidesROC is run by volunteers; people that feel the need to help create a hacker conference in Rochester so strongly that they give up weekends and free time to make it happen. We help divide up the workload by making “Op” positions for the various facets of the conference. Ops are in charge of keeping track of their project’s money, managing the volunteers that help them, and coming up with awesome ways to get things done.

JRWR @jrwr (Coordinator)

A bunch of stuff here about FF Badge Op CTF Op

Kahomono (Treasurer)

Kahomono is a lucky security boffin from Baltimore via New Jersey and Florida, now planted firmly in Rochester. He implements security frameworks so all you techies have some context for the valuable things you do. Registration Op Speaker Dinner

Investigatorchic @investigatorchi (Secretary)

Investigatorchic AKA Cathy is a security researcher, speaker, and Senior Information Security Analyst at University at Buffalo with over 20 years of highly technical experience. In her current role, she is a data forensics and incident response (DFIR) specialist, performing incident management, intrusion detection, investigative services, awareness training, and personnel case resolution in a dynamic academic environment. She has presented at a number of information security conferences including DEF CON and Hacker Halted. In her (minimal) spare time, she enjoys visiting her adopted two-toed sloth Flash at the Buffalo zoo, researching death and the dead, and learning more about hacking things to make the world a more secure place. Sanity Check Op Social Media Op AV Op Stay-on-Target Op Volunteer Op

Bill “JustBill” Bukowski @justbill6942

JustBill is well, JustBill. His daytime job is Director of Infrastructure for the largest market research company in the world. His evening job is father and husband. His freetime job is hacking, riding motorcycle, board member/haunter of the local hackerspace, and a business side operator of BsidesROC. When you are bored hit him up on anything you want to talk about, and he’ll remind you none of it really matters because of heat death. Radio Op

Alex Page

Alex is a data scientist at URMC. His work involves database tuning, machine learning, and parallel programming, He is also interested in software-defined radio, quantum computing, and medical device security. This is his seventh year helping at BSidesROC.


Jason aka lilillilliill is a lead network security engineer for a multinational mssp. He likes firewalls with lots of blinky lights, Linux, scripting, pcaps, dual-homing, big riffs, brown notes, pretentious existential art films, Louis Brandeis, community organizing, the outdoors, & fam time. Community Room Op

Sean @ph3tt

As an Information Security Operations Manager by day, Sean leads both the vulnerability assessment and testing team, along with the threat intelligence team for a large national health care system. In his spare time, he enjoys popping locks, amateur radio, and tabletop gaming. Art Co-Op