Last year, BSidesROC did a GPG key signing party run by @CJP. It was ad-hoc but a lot of people liked the idea. This year, we’re going to give some official backing and expand it to turn it into a Privacy / OPSEC Workshop. Throughout the day, we will have a table setup to let people learn about defending themselves against surveillance, controlling the information they release to the Internet, and in general, be come more aware of privacy related matters.
Here is what we’re planning:
- A presentation to introduce the issues of privacy, surveillance, and who should be interested
- TAILS LiveCD’s and USB drives
- A presentation about using various means to help secure your well being if you are a privacy advocate or a nation-state dissident
- GPG key signing party
- Tor vs Law Enforcement presentation discussing how to properly use Tor
- Off-the-record usage and fingerprint verification