Food Update – ROC Food Trucks « BSidesROC

Food Update – ROC Food Trucks

If some of you heard about BSidesROC late, or decided until the last minute to snag a ticket, you may have noticed that food tickets aren’t for sale anymore. OMG! That’s something necessary with our upgraded venue but we wanted to offer you some alternatives for lunch time.

Thanks to some of the people that represent Rochester’s growing Food Truck entrepreneurs, we’ve setup not one, but two delicious food trucks for you outside of the German House. They will be setup in the parking lot and you won’t be able to miss them.

Hello Arepa – Hello Arepa will be serving their version of the arepa dish. Go take a look at their website and tell me you’re not hungry right now.

Marty’s Meats – Looking for a delicious sandwich to scarf down between BSidesROC events? Marty’s Meats is for you.

We’ve given you all kinds of food options but if you still aren’t satisified, you can take a look at some of the restaurants in the area. The South Wedge is packed with other options. Find out more information here.